Summer "eclipse" to the rhythm of Muse

Edward, Bella and Jacob, of course, come back to the big screen again after breaking all records so far in selling books, DVDs and soundtracks. The Twilight saga is a money machine and everything that bears his stamp turns to gold. Nobody in the entertainment industry wants to risk this passion cools down too soon, so that's the reason why 'Eclipse' comes to cinemas on June 30, with a difference of less than a year since the premiere 'New Moon'

Following the strategy of previous installments, some weeks before the film premiere we already know the song list and the first extract from the soundtrack, included the British band Muse's new song (authoress', Stephanie Meyers, favourite band), "Love is forever" wich is inside the theme "Neutron Star Collision".

Music has played a key role in two previous films. The themes, of various groups, have helped to create this environment something gothic, alternative and even some dark shadowy landscapes of Forks, the rainiest town in United States and, therefore, the perfect hiding place for vampires, always reluctant to show itself at sunlight. Both 'Twilight' and 'New Moon' have helped to know public about indie groups like Paramore and Linkin Park. In turn, disks have been a golden opportunity to promote the release of each films in musical hits, besides being a sure success on iTunes, YouTube and Spotify.

To enjoy 'Eclipse' we have to wait until June 30, shortly before (June 8) we will buy the soundtrack in all its forms.

Vampire fever returns! Or it never went away?

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